Tuesday 9 August 2011

Open for business

Hey guys,

Happy to announce that commissions are now open. For now, I'll only take in seven commissions at a time, because I have commitments to other projects which have deadlines within the month, so please bear with me for the next couple of weeks. Now, most of you (especially those who are familiar with, and use DeviantART) are accustomed to fixated prices for particular types and, I guess, the amount of artwork (such as busts or lineart or cell-shaded etc.).

That's all well and good, as it is a plus for those with tight budgets. However, this is where it becomes a little different:

The way I work is that I treat you as my client, where there is a brief for me to follow and will keep communicating with you to ensure that the work is to your liking from start to finish. I don't have fixed rates, but I will give you a quote as to how much it may set you back, depending on the time I can spend on your request and how complex your request is. I try and work with most things and subject matters, but here's a couple of the things I can offer:

- Linearts (from busts to full body)
- Character and Vehicle Design
- Full-detail centrefold/cover pieces

For those who do know me as an artist, I specialise in traditional mediums such as coloured pencils and ink. I've got what I feel is a basic grasp of the digital medium, but I've used digital in my design works, so to be up to par with industry standards.

Commission Slots (these will be updated as they come):

1. -
2. -
3. -
4. -
5. -
6. -
7. -

Examples of my work can be seen in my DeviantART (schwarze1.deviantart.com) and some of the earlier posts in this blog. But other than that, that's all there is to it. For any further queries, or if you would like to get a quote, you can drop a line to my email (djgutierrez07@live.com)

Have a nice day

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